#CAST: A Difference in Making
When it comes to customization and low-volume production, 3D printing offers unparalleled advantages to legacy manufacturing methods. In conjunction with 3D scanning and CAD expertise, additive manufacturing technologies provide shorter lead-times and decreased costs in place of expensive molds and machining processes, allowing users to create individualized products for a variety of real-world applications.
The Make a Difference / A Difference in Making project by Materialise highlights meaningful applications that directly impact the lives of individuals, particularly in the medical, environmental and design fields. #CAST is one of the featured 3D printed models on display in Belgium at the prestigious BOZAR Centre for Fine Arts with plans to tour the exhibit around the world. Fathom has the honor of participating in this endeavor with its custom-fit 3D printed cast that incorporates social media messages from friends and family.
The display category featuring #CAST—Making a Difference in the Life of an Individual: Giving a Personal Touch—focuses on the benefits of affordable personalization, emphasizing the vast potential of additive manufacturing technologies and the subsequent impact on the future of product development.

To learn more about our achievements in customized solutions that improve the lives of others, check out Fathom’s award-winning work in creating and providing a special 3D printed prosthetic for a 4-year-old girl.