Fathom + Autodesk Fusion 360 Plugin Quote for Rapid 3 Printing
Fathom Launches Rapid 3D Print Quoting Plugin for Fusion 360
View Step By Step of Fathom’s SmartQuote Plugin Below
The Fathom team is excited to announce the launch of a new partnership with Autodesk. Fathom’s SmartQuote platform now fully integrates with Autodesk Fusion 360, synthesizing the design, prototyping and production stages of product development.
“A favorite of designers, engineers, students, established firms and startups, Fusion 360 represents the highest level of online collaboration and CAD/CAM software,” said Rich Stump, Fathom’s co-founder and principal. We’re excited to provide easy access to 3D printing for the entire Fusion 360 community.
Through the SmartQuote plugin, users are able to easily quote and order 3D printed parts from Fathom.
“Fusion 360 is a central component of Autodesk’s product innovation platform, enabling makers and manufacturers to deliver on the future of making things,” added Stephen Hooper, Autodesk’s senior director for manufacturing industry strategy. “The integration with Fathom’s SmartQuote gives engineers a powerful addition to Fusion 360 that helps bring their innovative ideas into the real world.”
Within Fusion 360, users can automatically convert their files, upload them through SmartQuote and receive quotes within minutes. A wide range of materials, including high-performance FDM thermoplastics and PolyJet digital materials, are available to Fusion 360 users through the SmartQuote plugin.
“Users can even produce multi-material assemblies and other highly complex projects,” said Carlo Quiñonez, Fathom’s director of research. “Previously, assemblies required manual quoting—the plugin will streamline the development process and enable designers and engineers to go from digital concepts to physical parts more quickly and efficiently than ever before.”
Step by Step Look at the SmartQuote Plugin