Generative Design / / Fathom Awards Each year, the employees of Fathom come together to recognize and honor our most…
5th Grader Designs His 3D Printed Arm Fathom Design and Engineering Teams Help Fifth Grader Create Custom Prosthetic for Kayaking, Swimming…
Fathom in Fortune Magazine Fathom’s Year-Over-Year Growth Earns Ranking on ICIC’s Annual List as Published in FORTUNE—Third Year Straight on List…
30 Influential Women in Additive Fathom Co-Founder Michelle Mihevc was recently recognized on All3DPs list of 30 Most Influential Women in 3D…
LLNL Advanced Manufacturing Lab / / Developing Next-Gen Materials Fathom Partners with LLNL & Local Leaders in Collaboration for Developing Next-Generation Materials Lawrence…
Press Release / / Managed Services Fathom Offers Specialized On-Site Managed Services for Additive Manufacturing Equipment // 3D Printing Expert Augments…
Partnering for Success with LLNL Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) recently hosted an “Advanced Manufacturing—Partnering for Success” workshop that featured LLNLs…
Rapid Prototyping—Wearables TechCon Wearables TechCon + the IOT TechCon at the San Jose Convention Center July 18-20 will feature some…
Scaring Up a Spooky Stop Motion Film Fathom & Athena Studios Combine Artistry, 3D Printing and Urethane Casting Techniques for Stop Motion…
Modular Logistics Vehicle (MLV) with Additive Manufacturing The Fathom team is excited to share a collaborative project for the United…